Sunday, February 10, 2008

Valentine's Day: The Conspiracy

Let's talk about Valentine's Day... Okay, I'll talk about Valentine's Day, you'll take my opinion, and if you don't like're one of those people who sucks.

Basically Valentine's Day was created by Hershey's, Hallmark, and florists. I am completely convinced that one day the candy, card, and flower industries all got together, noticed that profits had taken a plunge, and then went on an evil crusade to create another commercial holiday. Thus Valentine's day was born, and with it came the happy people, the indifferent, and the angry/bitter.

Uh-oh, profits are down. Let's create a holiday to boost candy sales.

It's a bloody conspiracy!

Not to mention also possibly one of the most hated days on the calender, second only to February 29th (created by Universities for an extra day of classes). Remember in Kindergarten when your teacher told you to bring Valentines to class? You brought them, even made a special one for the girl you had a crush on since you entered the classroom the first time... And then she comes in and gives one to each of her classmates.

Except you!

Now I know how the grinch must have felt. Honestly, this holiday is pointless. Just another day for rejection... Let's face it, Valentine's Day is an unhealthy holiday. Spikes in cardiovascular failures and suicides are caused yearly by candy-clogged arteries and broken hearts. This is a holiday that should be done away with.

Maybe I will sing a different tune someday...until then, I'm riding with the conspiracy theory.

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